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Healthtips-Garlic oil 'may prevent heart disease in diabetics'

  A new study has revealed that garlic has enormous potential to prevent cardiomyopathy, a form of heart disease that is a leading cause of death in people with diabetes. Wei-Wen Kuo and colleagues note that diabetics have at least twice the risk of death from heart disease as others, with heart disease accounting for 80 percent of all diabetes-related deaths. Especially dangerous is diabetic cardiomyopathy, which inflames and weakens the heart''s muscle tissue. The study results indicated that  garlic  might help control the abnormally high blood sugar levels that occur in  diabetes . They found that rats given garlic oil experienced beneficial changes associated with protection against heart damage. The changes appeared to be associated with the potent antioxidant properties of garlic oil, the scientists say, adding that they identified more than 20 substances in garlic oil that may contribute to the effect. "In conclusion, garlic oil possesses significant potential

Healthtips-Burn Fat Quickly with Green Tea

Burning calories is not easy—it takes a lot of energy and effort to remove huge amounts of fat, but with the help of green tea extracts you can easily speed up the burning process. Researchers have discovered that drinking a cup of green tea daily will boost your metabolism from 8 to 14 percent, that’s why they highly recommend it to those who are looking for a quick method to lose fat. Tea is made from Camellia Sinesis and has three main varieties: green, black and oolong. The difference between these types is their concentration levels of polyphenol antioxidants. The more polyphenols there are in the ingredients, the better the fat-burning effects and benefits will be. Green tea is a rich source of this particular antioxidant, that’s why it is considered as one of the best weight loss alternatives available in the market today. Green tea originates from Asia, mainly from China and other neighboring countries like Japan and South Korea. Asians in general have slim bodies, good skin c

Healthtips-Benefits of Walking

Benefits of Walking Walking seems like an enjoyable activity, but isn't it too easy an exercise to really provide much benefit in terms of fitness, weight loss, calories burned and general health? It would seem that way in this age of “No pain, no gain”, “Give 110%”, “Just do it”, and other gung-ho catchphrases. How can something so simple, so easy, so relaxing, and so enjoyable actually be good for you? It doesn't hurt, there's no “wall” to hit; in fact it's actually fun! C'mon, how can walking the dog on a sunny day have any real health benefit? It seems we've all been a bit misled during the fitness craze that's accompanied the baby boom generation into believing that something enjoyable can't possibly be beneficial. But the facts don't support that view. There is ample evidence that walking has a multitude of benefits.  Health Benefits Studies show that walking can: • Reduce risk of coronary heart disease and stroke • Reduce high cholesterol

Benefits of Surya Namaskar

The simple Surya Namaskar that has been practiced in India for years has recently found a whole lot of takers.  And if you want a good start to your day, what better than the Surya Namaskar, which is known to have a host of health   benefits . There are 12 different poses to do in a Surya Namaskar and you're known to have finished a complete round when you've performed two consecutive sets.   - You don't need to be doing yoga regularly in order to practice the Surya Namaskar. If performed correctly, this   exercise   does not strain or cause injury. If performed in the morning, it relieves stiffness, revitalises your   body   and refreshes the mind. Do it during the day and it will instantly boost you up, practice it after sundown and it helps you unwind.   - Not only does the Surya Namaskar give you a great stretch and keep you fit physically (it is extremely beneficial for your joints, ligaments and improves flexibility and posture), but is also does wonders f

Shortcuts to good health

Today, when a sedentary lifestyle is the rule, people's health is deteriorating day by day. Eating healthy just requires a little planning. Here are some shortcuts to a healthy body. Everyday, without our knowledge, a faint little feeling in the stomach prompts us to involuntarily look at the clock.  Then the revelation hits us – it is evening and we have not had the time to eat our lunch. In today's times, where a sedentary lifestyle is the rule, it's observed that the health of people is deteriorating day by day. They have started taking themselves and their body for granted. They don't even remember when they last had a proper meal. Eating healthy just requires a little planning. Here are some shortcuts to achieve a healthy body:   Breakfast is a 'must'  Start your morning with some breakfast, be it a piece of fruit or a whole wheat bread. Put oatmeal into a thermos of hot water, and you could even let it sit overnight. In the morning, you shall have hot

Healthtips - Anosmia

The complete loss of smell — anosmia  — can be temporary or permanent, depending on the cause. Loss of smell caused by a common cold will clear up on its own. Loss of smell related to an obstruction of the nasal passage, such as polyps, will clear up when the obstruction is removed. Loss of smell related to other causes, such as aging or a brain tumor, may be permanent. Anosmia isn't necessarily a serious condition in and of itself, but an intact sense of smell is necessary to fully taste foods. So loss of smell could cause you to lose interest in eating, leading to weight loss, malnutrition or even depression. Loss of smell also prevents you from smelling things like spoiled food or smoke. CAUSES Acute sinusitis     (sinus infection) Loss of smell due to problems with the inner lining of your nose Anosmia can be caused by temporary or permanent irritation, or destruction of the mucus membranes lining the inside of your nose. This can be caused by: Hay fever Common cold Influen

Acidity and heartburn

Acidity   and   heartburn   are due to presence of too much acid in the stomach that causes exasperation of the   gastrointestinal   casing. This causes a blazing pain. When this excessive acid leaks back into the throat this inflames and the reaction of heartburn is produced. Causes of Acidity and Heartburn The following circumstances can create excessive acid in stomach causing  acidity and  heartburn . Consumption of  rich and spicy foods Eating speedily, very fast devoid of proper chewing Eating hurriedly while beneath stress Inappropriate sleep Alcohol utilization Pregnant women may undergo because when the baby grows, the uterus exerts force on the digestive area Overweight people may bear because of unnecessary pressure on their digestive tract. Avoidance of Acidity & Heartburn A number of people are more prone than others to  acidity  and  heartburkal  as they have difficulty in digesting some foods. Bananas have defensive action against the  acidity  and  heart bur