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Showing posts with the label be healthy

What is the best thing you can do for your health?!

Essential health tips What is the best thing you can do for your health? We all do certain things in our daily lives, whether we realize it or not. Some of the things we enjoy can be beneficial, while others might be dangerous. But many do not know what harmful actions are. They unknowingly follow them every day and face various health problems.

Home remedies for hair loss

  Home remedies for hair loss  Rice water and green tea provide the best benefits to increase the strength of your hair and keep your hair healthy. Green tea is rich in antioxidants and rice water is rich in vitamins and inositol. This will help keep your hair healthy. We all want to have strong, healthy, and long hair. We keep changing different shampoos and trying different hair oils to get healthy hair. We follow all the beauty tips we hear from elders and friends. But the benefit is not something that we expect. Every day when we face problems like hair loss, damaged hair, we are wondering if there is any permanent solution.  Rice water and green tea

Healthy brain food to eat for a healthy life

Healthy brain food to eat for a healthy life I am going to share with you the best brain foods now. I f you ' re on a plant - based diet or a ketogenic diet or paleo diet or whatever it doesn ' t really matter because those foods that I ' m going to share with you are absolutely the best . Vegetables and leafy greens The first food is vegetables and leafy greens K ale, s pinach, and broccoli. The se are excellent for your brain health especially because they contain lots of antioxidants, fiber, and some really amazing vitamins such as vitamin K , lutein, beta - carotene, and even fol ates. S tudies show that people who eat high amounts of these foods have the lowest cognitive decline .

An egg a day keeps our heart fit

Eggs may be even better for us than previously thought with twice as many antioxidant properties as an apple, a new research has found. While eggs are well known to be an excellent source of proteins, lipids, vitamins and minerals, researchers at the University of Alberta recently discovered they also contain antioxidant properties, which helps in the prevention of cardiovascular disease and cancer. Jianping Wu, Andreas Schieber and graduate students Chamila Nimalaratne and Daise Lopes-Lutz of the U of A Department of Agricultural Food and Nutritional Science examined egg yolks produced by hens fed typical diets of either primarily wheat or corn. They found the yolks contained two amino acids, tryptophan and tyrosine, which have high antioxidant properties.