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Showing posts with the label Teeth Whitening

Teeth whitening

Teeth whitening is about over looking great, it is also about having confidence & a healthy smirk. There's lots of different at-home teeth whitening products available as well as the choice of seeing a cosmetic dentist to have your teeth professionally whitened. But, what in case you are looking for a way to naturally whiten your teeth? There's products & ways to whiten your teeth naturally without harsh chemicals or pricey professional treatments. Useful Herbs for Whitening of Teeth Babul (Acacia arabica) The importance of babul in whitening of teeth cannot be expressed in words. It is a lot important in Ayurveda for this purpose that the ancient Indians used nothing but the twigs of the babul (the other tree used for this is neem) as disposable toothbrushes. The tannin present in babul is effective in increasing the whiteness of teeth. The aerial roots of the banyan may even be used as disposable toothbrushes. The banyan roots have astringent properties, ...

Teeth Whitening

This is one of the effective herbal home remedy for tooth whitening using Gallnut : It is available at a grocer's shop. Grind it into a fine powder. Using it as a tooth powder and massaging the gums with it daily solves the problem of the sensitivity of the teeth to water. The teeth become strong and the bleeding stops. It also checks general dental diseases. Homemade recipes for tooth whitening Simple home remedy for tooth whitening using Salt : Massaging the teeth with fine rock salt brightens them. This will help in teeth whitening. Effective home remedy for tooth whitening using Turmeric : Mix turmeric powder, salt and mustard oil and massage the gums and teeth. This will preventing all tooth problems. Natural home remedy for tooth whitening using Salt : If the teeth have become sour because of eating sour things, rub a little salt on the teeth. Among the most effective home remedies for toothache is garlic. It will make the cure teeth making it strong and healthy. Ho...