What is Insomnia? The average person spends approximately 1/3 of his or her life sleeping. Although we do not yet fully understand either the purpose or the mechanics of sleep, we do know that an insufficient amount can have far-reaching consequences: our work performance, our personal relationships, and our physical and mental health all depend on getting an appropriate amount of rest. The inability to fall asleep or to stay asleep throughout the night is a condition known as insomnia, and it is among the most common of all medical complaints; approximately 1/3 of all people experience a period of insomnia at least once during their lifetime. Individuals with insomnia typically experience at least one of the following symptoms: - Difficulties falling asleep; - Inability to stay asleep, or waking up too early; - Sleepiness during the day; - Fatigue or lack of energy; - Irritability; - Headache; - Decreased ability to concentrate; - Increased errors or accidents; - Depres...
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