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Showing posts with the label Hiccups


Hiccups start from the diaphragm, a dome shaped muscle in the chest. Diaphragm’s function is to pull and push air in and out of the lungs while inhaling and exhaling respectively. Hiccups are caused when the diaphragm is irritated. Generally hiccups last for a few minutes but sometimes they may last for days or weeks. This may be a sign of some other medical problems in the body. Hiccups Symptoms Some of the symptoms of hiccups are as follows Contraction of diaphragm, Continuous “hic “sound from the throat. Hiccups Symptoms, Causes, Remedy and Diet Hiccups Causes Some of the causes of hiccups are as follows. Overstretching the neck, Laryngitis, Heartburn, Irritation of the eardrum, General anesthesia, Surgery, Bloating, Tumor, Infection, Diabetes, Drinking excessive alcohol, Hot and spicy food, Smoking, Eating fast.