Otalgia is ear pain or an earache . Ear pain is not always associated with ear disease. It may be caused by several other conditions, such as impacted teeth, sinus disease, inflamed tonsils, infections in the nose and pharynx, and occasionally as a sensory aura that precedes a migraine. Ear pain can occur due to allergy, filling of wax in the ear, chillness, entry of any foreign body in the ear or infection in the Eustachian tube which connects ear, nose and throat. Before you reach the hospital If you have pain while you are lying down, sit down with head held up straight. Chewing some thing like Chewing gum, will help to open up the clogged Eustachian tube and thus reduce the pain Avoid cold food and water Take care to avoid wetting the ear. Close the ears with cotton swabs, while bathing. To prevent this from happening, simple rules can be followed. Do no...
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