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Showing posts with the label lose belly fat

How to lose belly fat without leaving your home

Belly fat is a problem for any age group. You could be a teenage, a mom or a woman on menopause and have a belly bulge. The problem most of us have is that we don’t have time to go to a gym and workout. We could be very busy with school, kids or career that the belly bulge gets to stay—maybe for life. If you want to look better today, there are some activities that you can do at home which will also help you  lose belly fat . What follows are three categories, and in each of those are tips on what you can do at home to lose your belly bulge. FOLLOW A HEALTHY EATING PATTERN You can never lose belly fat and keep on eating like a slob. The first step to losing belly fat is to eat healthy, but not eat less. First, never let yourself starve. Eating is easy when you’re just at home, but don’t overeat too. Eating small meals every three hours is ideal, but you also need to watch what you’re eating. Load your diet with a great deal of fruits and vegetables. These are rich in f...