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Acidity and heartburn

Acidity and heartburn are due to presence of too much acid in the stomach that causes exasperation of the gastrointestinal casing. This causes a blazing pain. When this excessive acid leaks back into the throat this inflames and the reaction of heartburn is produced.

Causes of Acidity and Heartburn

The following circumstances can create excessive acid in stomach causing acidityand heartburn.
  • Consumption of  rich and spicy foods
  • Eating speedily, very fast devoid of proper chewing
  • Eating hurriedly while beneath stress
  • Inappropriate sleep
  • Alcohol utilization
  • Pregnant women may undergo because when the baby grows, the uterus exerts force on the digestive area
  • Overweight people may bear because of unnecessary pressure on their digestive tract.

Avoidance of Acidity & Heartburn

A number of people are more prone than others to acidity and heartburkal  as they have difficulty in digesting some foods.
Bananas have defensive action against the acidity and heart burn. Eating a banana every day will stop such conditions
  • Obtain a mixture of 2 tsp of normal apple cider vinegar and 2 tsp raw honey in a glass of water earlier than meals. One of the well liked home remedy for acidity.
  • Stay away from fried foods, pickles, hot spicy foods, vinegar, and chocolate
  • Stay away from raw salad of vegetables like onion, cabbage, radish, and peppers
  • Keep away from unripe high pectin fruits, such as unripe apple. But ripe apple such as delicius apple or fuji apple may help out
  • Grind up the food properly. Do not consume in hurry
  • Do not bounce meals. Do not keep great gap between meals. This produces gas / current of air.
  • Drink lots of water, at least 8 glasses each day
  • Do not eat just previous to going to bed
  • End smoking and cut down on alcohol

Home Remedy for Acidity

  • A good Home Remedy for Acidity is to chew up a few basil (tulsi ) leaves to obtain relief from blazing, nausea and gas
  • Stay a small part of jaggery (gur) in your jaws and slowly suck it. Repeat it each hour till acidity subsides. One of the best home remedies for acidity.
  • Eat watermelon, banana or cucumber each hour.
  • Eat a few almonds when your experience heartburn symptoms. This is goodHome Remedy for Acidity
  • Gulp coconut water 4-5 periods a day.
  • Drink a glass of cold milk for quick relief of heartburn and acidity
  • Acquire one piece of clove and suck on it gradually
  • Drink fresh mint juice gradually after meals. This remedy is best Home Remedies for Acidity
  • Drink every day a 1 tsp juice of chebulic myrobalan mixed with 1 tsp of amla (Indian gooseberry) juice. This is another Home Remedy for Acidity.
  • Maintaining an standing posture for some time after food will help in preventing reaction


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