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Showing posts from June, 2012

Healthy natural and effective methods of digestion

Digestion is very important for a healthy life. The digestive system breaks down the food you eat. It occurs in the gastrointestinal tract-20 to 30-foot long tube extending from the mouth to the anus. Poor digestion will lead to plenty of issues. Obesity is the main problem . Unhealthy food, stress, junk food, toxins are the few causes for the poor digestion. Though there are plenty of products in the market, it is essential to pick natural methods to treat digestion issues. Below are definite effective methods that can help you lead a healthier and happier life: Herbal teas- It is important to make herbal teas such as peppermint and chamomile teas as part of your every day diet. These teas can help your digestive method provide the definite soothing effect by making you feel lighter and energetic. Avoid foods that are intolerant or allergic to you.

Garlic: Wonder drug for healthy life

Garlic is a 'wonder-drug’. Garlic contains over 100 biologically useful chemicals. It has anti-bacterial, anti-viral, anti-fungal and anti-oxidant properties. Here's a list of quantity of it is proven properties...  - Garlic's ability to fight infections, bacteria makes it an effective cure for warts and skin problems. Garlic has plenty of health benefits.  - Studies have shown that taking 600 mgs of garlic every day, lowers levels of cholesterol considerably.