Cough cure at home Honey is well accepted way of providing cough relief. One way to us it effectively is to combine it with the curative properties of the onion. To get rid of an irritating cough, pour 2 teaspoons of honey on a freshly cut slice of onion. Cover it and let is lie for four to five hours. Then take one teaspoon of this honey after removing the onion piece. You will find immediate relief. Repeat the second teaspoon after three to four hours. Another remedy effective in cough with a cold is as follows. Take one onion, five basil leaves, two cloves and five peppercorns in 200 ml of water. Boil them together till the water reduces by half. Sip this hot concoction, thrice daily to find substantial relief from cough and cold. A persistent allergic cough is very irritating. It dies not seem to go away easily and keeps the patient irritated all day long. If you can't find a cause, try this cure. Take a guava (fruit) and bake it in an oven. Eat this baked guava once a...
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