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Showing posts with the label 10 tips for a healthy life

What is the best thing you can do for your health?!

Essential health tips What is the best thing you can do for your health? We all do certain things in our daily lives, whether we realize it or not. Some of the things we enjoy can be beneficial, while others might be dangerous. But many do not know what harmful actions are. They unknowingly follow them every day and face various health problems.

Healthy brain food to eat for a healthy life

Healthy brain food to eat for a healthy life I am going to share with you the best brain foods now. I f you ' re on a plant - based diet or a ketogenic diet or paleo diet or whatever it doesn ' t really matter because those foods that I ' m going to share with you are absolutely the best . Vegetables and leafy greens The first food is vegetables and leafy greens K ale, s pinach, and broccoli. The se are excellent for your brain health especially because they contain lots of antioxidants, fiber, and some really amazing vitamins such as vitamin K , lutein, beta - carotene, and even fol ates. S tudies show that people who eat high amounts of these foods have the lowest cognitive decline .

10 tips for a healthy life

         10 tips for a healthy life It is difficult to treat lifestyle disorders . So let us live a healthy life. Healthy body is healthy mind. 1. Wake up early and follow any form of exercise for atleast half an hour. 2. Drink plenty of water and keep your body hydrated in this summer. 3. Never skip breakfast. Eat only when you feel hungry. 4. Eat fruits and vegetables with high fibre.