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Top 5 weight loss food

Weight loss  can be achieved with diet and exercise; there are some foods that will help us in losing weight. Here we are going to see the top 5 effective weight loss foods. Lean proteins help in building muscle. High-fat proteins are bad for your health, weight, size. It is also widely known that highly processed meats are linked to sure health risks, diseases. Make it a habit of eating wholesome, lean proteins like fish, chicken breast, turkey breast, flank steak or vegetables. A vegetable  that is high in fibre is low in calories. They also may contain high amounts of water that can be rich in minerals. The natural fibre can help you feel full, helping you to keep away from over eating. It can also act as a natural cleanser of your digestive tract, clearing waste, debris that can add pounds, make you feel sluggish. Look for vegetables like cabbage, celery, lettuce.