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Health tips on vitamins help boost memory|vitamins and mineral supplements

Vitamins and minerals are essential for our normal healthy living . Most of our requirements of Vitamins can be met from our daily balanced diet. In the absence of a balanced diet, we may need to supplement vitamins thru supplements. Clinical studies have shown that 1 in 3 of the population tends to have a vitamin deficiency. While most vitamin requirements are met by our balanced diet , Vitamin D needs to be an area of focus. Intake of Vitamin can only be had thru direct exposure to sunlight. The absence of Vitamin D can lead to the weakening of the density of our bones. It’s important that we get as much sunshine on to our body as possible. With growing awareness of the importance and the knowledge of vitamins, the usage of vitamin supplement has grown. Most of us tend to buy these as OTCs (Over the Counter).The Vitamin Supplement industry is not fully accredited and there is a large range of supplements that are not accredited by the Drug approval authorities. It is i...

Health tips on Stretching exercises to grow taller/Grow taller/grow taller tips

Grow taller with these simple exercises The children lead a busy life in the school. Boys do not get enough time to get out and exercise. They need simple  exercises  that will help them to develop better." Here are some exercises: Hopping on one leg : This is one of the simplest of physical exercises that can be done - while watching TV at home while playing in the park! Only a step left foot eight times with his hands raised toward heaven and then jump in the same way on the right foot.

Health tips | health and fitness tips

H ealth  and Fitness are now one of the biggest concerns across the globe.  T his  site offers free   Health tips and Natural Home Remedies . Every one of us wants an  easy life. In those days, people used to do a lot of physical work as there were no transport, machines  etc. Now we get everything readymade. All works are simplified; the effect is people are not as healthy as our forefathers. Even we see obesity in children. Food products are full of chemicals. So how do we ensure a good and healthy living? Here are your health tips to live a healthy life. Here in this blog we update daily health tips ,fitness tips, easy to do Yoga techniques, Health and nutritious food , diet, body and skincare , weightless tips, beauty tips , stress management, Guide to lose body fat, women health, Tips for good health, Cookery Tips ,meditation, pranayama, Surya namaskar,and thyroid. Physical Activity and Health

Natural Home Remedies for Wrinkles

A s we age most of us experience wrinkles and blemishes on our face. There are some home remedies which you can try sitting at home easily. Take a few drops of coconut oil and few drops of vitamin E oil, mix it and apply before going to bed. Pineapple has powerful enzymes that can moisturize the skin and kill dead cells. Take a piece of pineapple and mash it and apply it on your face and wait for 30 minutes and wash it. Acidic fruit juices help to fade away the wrinkles. Apply lemon juice or tomato juice and wash after 30 minutes. Beat an egg white and apply under the eyelid wait for 30 minutes and wash.

Home Remedies For Hair Loss!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Hair is the main part of our body.  Hair plays an important role in the appearance of men and woman. Diet and lifestyle are two important factors that influence the health of hair. Poor diet, illness and deficiencies of vitamins and minerals, proteins in particular, affects the quality of hair .Hair is a reflection of individual’s internal health. In most cases, hair loss or changes in hair texture may reflect some underlying conditions as hypothyroidism, anaemia, diabetes, and nutritional deficiencies. The hair loss, grey hair, dandruff are common problems.  Just simple home care will help you to get back your beautiful hair. Using natural products have no side effects. So try these at home. Take a hot oil massage at least once a week and wash with shikakai or mild shampoo or amla.

Benefits of mustard seeds

  People are using mustard seeds since almost 5,000 years. They're low in calories and high in biological process price and have a lot of medicinal and antiseptic qualities. - Mustard oil is great for the skin as a result of it generates heat. - Mustard seeds square measure made during a nutrient known as antioxidant, notable for its high anti-inflammatory effects.  The high supply of metallic element helps reducing the severity of asthma attack and certain symptoms of rheumatism and lowering blood pressure. - Suffer from headaches? Mustard seeds provide relief from the number of migraine attacks you get. - Mustard seeds are rich in calcium, manganese, omega 3 fatty acids, iron, zinc, super molecule and dietary fiber.

Dark circles

Dark circles under the eyes are an extremely common and distressing issue. Did you know that:   Dark circles are the second most common dermatological complaint? (Acne is #1). Causes:  Though many believe they can be hereditary, there's no conclusive evidence as such. Lack of sleep, mental stress,allergy,  lifestyle habits, nasal congestion ,  Rubbing or scratching your eyes , bad diet can contribute to dark circles. Whatever be the reason, it's best to work on the problem before it aggravates. Here are a few tips to deal with dark circles:  - Massage Vitamin E or almond oil around the eyes without touching the eyes (massage must strictly be external). This improves blood circulation. - As a quick fix during parties, use a makeup concealer to hide the dark circle. But remember this is only a temporary solution. - Get a lot of sleep. Sleeplessness is a culprit for most health problems. Have a set routine and have regular sleep timing. Make sure y...