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Running the best form of Physical Exercise

Running is the best kind of exercise & can be done by people of all ages to maintain lovely health. I feel running is also the best fitness workout & simplest way to control weight with no side effects. All of us walk every day as part of our process like going to workplace, shopping, or back home, some for a couple of minutes while others  an hour. But have you thought about running not as a regular physical activity but as a regular physical exercise? You will think about after knowing the benefits of running as an exercise. Running is one of the most effective exercise.

Stem cells could cure 'silent thief of sight'

Glaucoma " the silent thief of sight"  is the most common cause of irreversible blindness in the developed world because of the  manner in which many patients have already suffered significant visual loss before they are diagnosed. Current treatment can only slow progression of the disease   by reducing eye pressure medically or surgically but even this doesn’t succeed for some patients. Currently there is  no way to restore vision once it has been lost. Fight for Sight funding is helping to explore the possibility that stem cell treatments could one day be used to treat glaucoma. Doctors have recently had some very encouraging results in animals with glaucoma which shows that stem cells can protect against glaucoma damage. "In the future, our dream is to be able to use stem cell treatments to improve vision in patients severe glaucoma. However, it will be a few more years until these treatments are ready for human clinical trials." healthcaretips

The Raw Food Diet: The Best Anti Aging Diet?

One of the best anti-aging supplements is to eat raw food. That's because cooking effectively eliminates some of the nutrition in food. Take them in a raw form of vitamin gives your body more and minerals in food than usual. Here is an overview of some important raw foods,with which you can minimize effects of aging. Raw foods have antioxidant properties which fights against free radicals which is the main cause of aging. Foods such as carrots, apricots, oranges, lemons and grapefruit are rich in antioxidant properties and should be taken daily to minimize the effects of aging.

build muscle and lose fat at the same time

Everybody wants six pack abs. Many people have started looking at building muscle  to lose weight. Building muscle can help in losing weight mainly because the more muscle you have that harder your body will have to work to keep up the muscles. Your body will be using energy while you are sleeping also. This means that your body will be  burning calories at all times of the day. This will help you to lose a bunch of weight by not even working out at all times in the day. Having the right muscle mass is very important to many people and will soon be important to you when you are burning calories even when you are not trying to.

Healthtips-Benefits of egg white

A Journal of Nutrition ; Food Science study reveals that eggs play an important role to prevent degeneration due to aging. However, many people avoid eggs because they worry about its high  cholesterol  content. This indicates they do not understand that high cholesterol content is highly concentrated in egg yolks. Therefore, do not hesitate to eat  egg whits to improve your health. In fact, many includes egg whites into their  diet menu , including for lowering cholestrol levels .Egg is e type of ’super food’ with balanced nutritional content to improve the health of the body.

Healthtips-Tips to improve hair health and appearance

Dermatologist Zoe D. Draelos, MD, FAAD, consulting professor at Duke University School of Medicine, Durham, N.C., discussed the most common sources of hair damage and tips to reverse damage and maintain healthy, lustrous hair. "One of the most common misconceptions about hair is that it is alive, when in fact hair is nonliving and does not heal itself once it is injured," Dr. Draelos said. "For this reason, once the hair is damaged it cannot heal itself except through new hair growth at the scalp.

Neck pain

Neck pain Neck pain affects approximately 80% of people at some point in their lifetime. It may result from sleeping the wrong way, poor body mechanics (such as poor posture, or holding the telephone between your shoulder and ear), or from an injury. Symptoms of cervical spine include: Neck pain Shoulder pain Arm pain Tingling in the arms, hands, or fingers Numbness in the arms, hands, or fingers Sharp pains in the arms, hands, or fingers Weakness in arms Frequently dropping items Weakness in legs Tripping or stumbling when walking Weight loss Headaches Nausea