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Tennis Elbow- Meaning , symptoms, Causes , Treatment, Prevention

Meaning of Tennis Elbow Tennis elbow is a common condition that affects between one and three in 100 people. Tennis elbow most often happens when you have repeatedly overused your arm. This overuse causes inflammation or tiny tears in the tendon. This may become worse if you continue doing the activity that triggered the pain and may cause a more serious tear or rupture your tendon. Symptoms of tennis elbow The main symptom is pain and tenderness on the outside of your elbow and sometimes in the muscles on top of your forearm. Tennis elbow usually affects the arm of your dominant hand (eg your right arm if you're right handed) because this is the arm you use the most. Symptoms usually develop gradually. The pain may get worse when you move your wrist or if you repeat the activity that triggered the pain. The pain may become constant. Your affected arm may also be more painful when you grip or twist something, such as turning a door handle or shaking hands. If you have seve

Health Benefits of Beetroot

Cardiovascular Health Beet fiber has been shown to have cholesterol lowering capabilities. In a study on rats with induced high blood cholesterol, a red beet fiber diet caused a reduction of serum cholesterol and triglyceride levels (by 30 and 40%, respectively) and a significant increase in HDL cholesterol (good cholesterol). This diet induced also a significant decrease (almost by 30%) of cholesterol content in the aorta. Betaine, a nutrient found in beets and some other foods lowers plasma homocysteine, a possible risk factor for cardiovascular disease. Betaine supplements are manufactured as a byproduct of sugar beet processing. Betaine supplementation has however been found to increase blood LDL cholesterol and triglyceride concentrations in healthy humans, which may undo the potential benefits for cardiovascular health of betaine supplementation through homocysteine lowering.

Teeth Whitening

This is one of the effective herbal home remedy for tooth whitening using Gallnut : It is available at a grocer's shop. Grind it into a fine powder. Using it as a tooth powder and massaging the gums with it daily solves the problem of the sensitivity of the teeth to water. The teeth become strong and the bleeding stops. It also checks general dental diseases. Homemade recipes for tooth whitening Simple home remedy for tooth whitening using Salt : Massaging the teeth with fine rock salt brightens them. This will help in teeth whitening. Effective home remedy for tooth whitening using Turmeric : Mix turmeric powder, salt and mustard oil and massage the gums and teeth. This will preventing all tooth problems. Natural home remedy for tooth whitening using Salt : If the teeth have become sour because of eating sour things, rub a little salt on the teeth. Among the most effective home remedies for toothache is garlic. It will make the cure teeth making it strong and healthy. Ho

Diaper rash

Diaper rash is a very common condition that can cause a baby's skin to become sore, red, scaly, and tender. The rash usually occurs because the skin is irritated by soiled diapers that are left on for too long; friction from the diaper; or certain brands of detergent, soaps, or baby wipes on sensitive skin. The plastic that prevents diapers from leaking also prevents air circulation, thus creating a warm, moist environment where rashes and fungi can thrive. Preventing Diaper Rash The best way to prevent diaper rash is by keeping your baby's skin as dry and clean as possible and changing diapers often so that feces and urine won't irritate the skin. To prevent diaper rash: change your baby's soiled or wet diapers as soon as possible occasionally soak your baby's bottom between diaper changes with warm water by running tap water over it or by squirting with a water bottle allow your baby's skin to dry completely before you put on another diaper pat the

Cloves for Flavour and Health

Cloves are known for their exceptional aroma. It is an ancient spice which holds an important portfolio in every kitchen. Clove trees are a more common site in Indonesia. Cloves are mainly grown in the Islands of Pemba today. Cloves are also grown widely in the Madagascar. Cloves are the flower buds of the clove tree. They are pink in color when fresh and turn into a dark brown color when dried. Cloves are sweetly pungent and aromatic. Cloves retain their flavour when whole. The flavour tends to deteriorate quickly when powdered. The cloves are quite hard in nature and cannot be pounded easily. Cloves should be stored in dry air tight containers. When powdered and added only a small quantity should be added as it has the tendency to overpower a dish. They are usually added to the food for flavour. They are used in number of spice mixtures like curry powders etc.,

A simple wrist operation to fix ailing heart

Procedure Reduces Complications For the first time, cardiologists at the University of Illinois and Jesse Brown VA medical centers have repaired an ailing heart by clearing blocked arteries via the wrist. Called transradial angiography , the approach might lead to reduced patient complications and recovery time and decreased hospital costs. The cardiologists offered the approach to heart angiograms and clearing blocked arteries. In the procedure, a catheter is threaded through the small radial artery in the wrist rather than the larger femoral artery in the groin. Its a simple change that has a dramatic impact on the experience and recovery of the patient, said Adhir Shroff, assistant professor of cardiology at UIC. The transradial approach can reduce bleeding the most common complication, particularly among women and the elderly to under 1%. It also eliminates much of the discomfort associated with the procedure. After a standard angiogram and angioplasty through the femoral artery, t

Home remedies to cure acidity

We’ve all suffered from it at some point or the other. Acidity occurs when there is excess secretion of acids in the gastric glands of your stomach. When the secretion is more than usual, we feel, what is commonly known as heartburn, which is normally triggered off due to the consumption of very spicy foods. Here are some of the most effective home remedies to cure acidity. If you suffer from acidity on a regular basis, skip the aerated drinks as well as the caffeine. Opt for some healthy herbal tea instead. Make it a habit to have a glass of lukewarm water everyday, it helps relieve acidity. Include bananas, watermelons and cucumbers in your daily diet. Watermelon juice is great for people who suffer from this ailment. Nariyal paani is known to soothe the system if you suffer from acidity. Drink a glass of milk everyday. Make sure that you have your last meal at least two to three hours before you hit the sack. Keeping long intervals between meals is another cause for