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Remove Stretch marks

Stretch marks are one of the most unwanted results of pregnancy, rapid weight loss or weight gain for men and women. There are millions of individuals who have developed stretch marks. Most of these people are looking for ways to reduce stretch marks on their bodies. Steps to Reduce Stretch marks. The following steps may help you reduce the appearance of stretch marks. 1. Brush your skin with a skin brusher when you shower to stimulate circulation. This will help prevent stretch marks and also reduce them if already there. 2. Massage cocoa butter into the stretch marks. You can also apply vitamin E oil on your stretch marks. Massage it into your skin after a shower. This help in reducing stretch marks. 3. Eat foods rich in vitamins A, C and E or take supplements in addition to your diet. However, pregnant women should avoid taking more than 25,000 IU of vitamin A. 4. To reduce stretch marks, maintaining your skin elasticity by moisturizing it with a stretch mark cream. Cr


Psoriasis is a chronic skin disease that causes skin cells to grow too quickly. In psoriasis, patches of red, thickened skin with silvery scales develop, usually on the elbows, knees, scalp, and trunk. These areas can be itchy and painful. The areas usually involved are the elbows, knees, and the skin behind the ears, the trunk, and the scalp. The disease may also affect the underarms and genital areas. Nails may become rough and pitted, and less commonly, a form of arthritis develops called psoriatic arthritis. Psoriasis can be a persistent problem, and tends to run in families. Stress, infections such as a sore throat, reaction to certain drugs, and skin injuries may trigger an attack or make it worse. Symptoms of Psoriasis Following are the major psoriasis symptoms: 1. Red and irritated skin with bright silvery scales 2. Sometimes accompanied with slight itching Causes of Psoriasis Following are the major psoriasis causes: 1. Due to abnormality in the mechanism in wh

Why does a woman's heart skip a beat?

Empowerment at the price of a healthy heart? More Indian women than ever before are joining the workforce, their hearts are skipping more than just a beat and it’s not always because of a man. It’s part of the global picture, which has women accounting for 15-20% of heart disease. Dr Ashok Seth, chairman of Delhi’s Escorts Hospital, says, modern women face more stress than their mothers and grandmothers. “More of them are coping with high-pressure jobs, and also looking after their homes, giving them heart disease 10 years earlier.” Seth warns women to “pay more attention to themselves” because heart disease is likely to be the number one killer within five years. Doctors agree heart disease afflicts women at least a decade before they could expect it. Earlier, it would strike women over 60, but now, it's hitting them at 50, says Dr Praveen Chandra, director of Cardiac Cath Lab of Delhi’s Max Hospital. Stress is often compounded by neglect. Dr Kushagra Kataria, CEO and chief

Vegetarian Diet

Vegetarian Diet Vegetarian diet is always beneficial for your overall health as well as for environmental reason. It has the potential to enhance your immune system as well as improve your cardiovascular health. The several advantages of vegetarian diet are follows: • Vegetables contain low calories & quite less fat, which help you to maintain your shape as well as body weight. On the other hand vegetables are rich source of fiber, which help you to feel fuller for longer periods of time. • If you consider the financial point, then also vegetables cost quite less than the non vegetarian products. So it will help you to save some money. • Vegetarian diet is also considered eco-friendly. It protect the animals from being butchered, as well as is found beneficial for lowering the famine, water pollution etc. • Through the meats toxins enter into your body, which can cause various severe diseases, so when you eliminate the root cause then the risks turn quite l


Warts are small, benign (harmless) growths caused by a viral infection. They occur on the skin or the mucous membrane. The mucous membrane is tissue that lines the nose, throat, digestive tract, and other body openings. The viruses that cause warts are members of the human papilloma virus (HPV) family. Warts can be transmitted from one person to another and they can travel from one part of the body to another. Warts occur most commonly among children, young adults, and women. They are a problem for 7 to 10 percent of the population. Warts are caused by nearly sixty different kinds of HPV. Each type prefers a certain part of the body. For example, some types of HPV produce warts on the skin, others cause warts inside the mouth, and still others produce warts on the genital and rectal areas. Viruses enter the body through the skin or mucous membrane. They usually do not produce symptoms for one to eight months after entering the body. When warts appear, they are usually skin-colored

Finger pain

Finger pain: Introduction Pain can arise from a variety of causes ranging from accidental trauma to nerve conditions. Pain-like sensations often described as pins-and-needles, prickling or burning sensations are called paresthesias; see finger paresthesias. All pain or pain-like sensations need prompt medical investigation. Causes of Finger pain: The following medical conditions are some of the possible causes of Finger pain. There are likely to be other possible causes, so ask your doctor about your symptoms. Finger trauma Broken finger Subungal hematoma Carpal tunnel syndrome Ulnar nerve disorder Knuckle disorder Arthritis Rheumatoid arthritis Gout Bone tumor Raynaud's disease Scleroderma Vasculitis Peripheral vascular disease Embolism Nail disorders Paronychia Tendon sheath infection Pulp space infection Cervical spondylosis. Pain Referral It may surprise you to learn that these abnormal sensations rarely originate in the fingers and hands but are

Food pyramid

The United States Department of Agriculture has created a guide for nutrition that is formally known as food guide pyramid. Published in 1992, this pyramid shows how much of each category of food should be consumed by an individual daily. The food guide pyramid replaced the classification of food groups. In 2005, the United States Department of Agriculture or USDA released a new successor of food pyramid known as MyPyramid. A food pyramid arranges the food starting from the high calorie food at the top to the low calorie food at the base. The ideal food pyramid differs from person to person. There are different food pyramids for different person. The food pyramid for a diabetic patient will surely vary from the food pyramid of a heart patient and that goes the same with a pregnant woman and a normal person. In today’s world, the demand for food pyramids is gradually increasing, particularly in the corporate and software section where people could not follow a healthy routine due to