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Food pyramid

The United States Department of Agriculture has created a guide for nutrition that is formally known as food guide pyramid. Published in 1992, this pyramid shows how much of each category of food should be consumed by an individual daily. The food guide pyramid replaced the classification of food groups. In 2005, the United States Department of Agriculture or USDA released a new successor of food pyramid known as MyPyramid.

A food pyramid arranges the food starting from the high calorie food at the top to the low calorie food at the base. The ideal food pyramid differs from person to person. There are different food pyramids for different person. The food pyramid for a diabetic patient will surely vary from the food pyramid of a heart patient and that goes the same with a pregnant woman and a normal person. In today’s world, the demand for food pyramids is gradually increasing, particularly in the corporate and software section where people could not follow a healthy routine due to their hectic work schedule. This lack of fixed routine has enhanced the demands of food pyramids.

With the recent emphasis on weight control, the demand for food pyramid has also increased. There has also been a recent change in the view that is responsible for the popularity of food pyramid. Earlier, it was believed that excess of fat is detrimental to health, but now the beliefs have changed.

Vegetarian Food Pyramid

Vegetarian Food Pyramid is a special type of food pyramid that is made to serve all the vegetarians. A well maintained Vegetarian Food Pyramid comprised of all the essential elements that are essential to meet the demands of an adult human body. A prescribed Vegetarian Food Pyramid should be full of nutritions as well as all the major components of food. To keep your physique fit and fine, you must have proper proportion of protein, fat, carbohydrate, minerals, water, salts and many more elements in your daily foods. But if you are a vegetarian, then you must have to be more careful about your diet as Vegetarian Food Pyramid has strictly maintain plant-based diet to fulfill the need of nutrition of your body. To fulfill your daily nutritional need, you have to follow the Vegetarian Food Pyramid.

Vegetarian Food Pyramid comprises of several plant based nutritious foods such as green vegetables, fruits, whole grains, nuts, legumes and seed. To compensate the goodness of meat food sources, Vegetarian Food Pyramid also consists of protein based foods such as cereals, soybeans and many other foods. There should be more emphasis on the less fat food products in a Vegetarian Food Pyramid. Normally, cholesterol, fats are such kind foods that add more fiber in body.

There are three types of vegetarians in the world and they follow their own type of foods. So, Vegetarian Food Pyramid should also be different for each type of vegetarian. Let's know the details about the different types of vegetarians and their characteristics-
Vegans: These are the special type of vegetarian who do not have all the foods related to animals. They eliminate several foods such as poultry, meat, fish, eggs,cheese, milk and milk based products. Vegans only take plant-based foods.
Lacto-vegetarians: These type of vegetarians eat both milk and milk based products including plant-based food products. These people do not eat animal-based products such as meat, fish, poultry, eggs and other animal-based foods.
Lacto-ovo vegetarians: These type of vegetarians eat milk as well as milk based products, eggs, cheese, butter, yogurt but eliminate animal products such as fish, poultry products including poultry, and red meat.

So, there are three types of Vegetarian Food Pyramid to cater nutritious foods to all types of vegetarians. Here you can get a brief idea about a well planned vegetarian food pyramid-
A Vegetarian Food Pyramid consists of vegetables, oils, fats, sweets, and salt.
Low fat products, milk, fortified foods, fresh cheese, yogurt are also included.
Nut, Legume, seed and other meat alternative products are also included in Vegetarian Food Pyramid.
Vegetables are the integral part of a Vegetarian Food Pyramid.
Different types of fruits as well as fruit juices are also included in this pyramid.
Bread, pasta, cereal, rice, whole grain are also counted in a well described Vegetarian Food Pyramid.


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