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premature aging causes

I know that you want to be healthy. Alkalizing food can make you healthy. When you are 25 years old, you have to know that this is the age of decline. Some people still look good by age 50 plus, but some already look old by age 30. This is premature aging. Premature aging can be caused by acidity in the body. Acidity is caused by our food intake. If we watch our food intake, we can change our health for the better. When I turned 33, I never thought that I will feel so old and weary. I felt aches and pains in my joints and muscles, I felt migraine headaches, I always felt sick and tired, and I was getting symptoms of some major illnesses that I never had before. Little did I know that I was already acidic. Because Western diet is already really acidic, I did not know that I was eating a lot of acidic foods. I only learned about acidity and alkalizing food, and it literally saved my life. You too can turn your health around. Just follow the simple tips below. 1. Eat more fru

Diabetic foot care

India is considered the world"s diabetes capital.There is an alarming rise in the number of diabetecs from 19 million in 1995 to 41 million in 2007.The figure is expected to reach 70 million in 2025. Indians tend to be diabetic at a relatively younger age than in the west.Almost 50 percent of diabetics are admitted to hospitals due to infection or gangrene of the feet, a condition commonly referred to as "diabetic foot". Most cases lead to amputation of the affected foot. Diabetic foot is broadly classified into four categories. 1.Patients with normal sensation and normal circulation. 2. Patients with reduced sensation and but normal circulation. 3. Patients with normal sensation but reduced circulation. Patients in the second and fourth categories are at a risk of developing recurrent non healing leg wounds, some face the risk of losing their limbs.

Diagnosis Treatment

Diabetes control is the first step. Detect and treat risk factors such as high cholestrol , uric acid ,and homocysteine levels and watch out for associate system involvement such as retinopathy , neuropathy and ischemic heart diseases as they are relevant in further treatment. Test for culture of organisms and sensitivity to antibiotics. Use appropriate dressing and start a broad-spectrum antibiotic. Also check for level and extent of block of the arterial blood vessels. Physicians should take care to prepare the kidneys for the dye used during limb angiography. To improve blood circulation to the legs , blood thinners ( aspirin , clopidogrel ) cholestrol lowering drugs ( statin ) ,haemorrheological agents (cilostazol ), can be taken on the advice of doctors. Angioplasty and stenting ( similar to that used in heart vessels ) can also be done. Or if the block is too long , bypass ia an option. Once the circulation improves, doctors can go for a debridement ( a process where

Prevent diabetes

Take care of your feet and maintain good pedal hygiene. Clean your feet, including nail bed, soles and web spaces,with a mild soap and lukewarm water. Use a soft, dry towel or a hair dryer to clean the space between the toes. Dry , cracked skin causes irritation and infection. Using a moisturising cream over the foot and the soles protects the skin but it should not be applied in the web spaces that are prone to fungal infection. Trim nails carefully , as injury can cause infection. Use shoes that are broad in the front and use the correct size. It is important to have one finger space behind the foot when the shoe is worn. Use dry, padded socks. Before wearing your shoes check inside for rough spots or foreign objects. Be careful while using new footwear to avoid shoe bite. Do not place anything hot on the feet like a hot water bag and heating pad. Avoid walking barefoot on the beach or in places of worship. Do not soak feet in water for more than five minutes or reuse wet, s


Identify the duartion of diabetes.Longer the period, hegher the risk. Maintain a record of fasting and post lunch /post dinner blood sugar levels. Measure glycosylated haemoglobin (HbA1C) for three months.The ideal figure is 6. Monitor change in the shape of the toes and foot. Get someone to touch the foot with a cotton swab to test if the person can feel the sensation with eyes closed. Check the temperature of the foot and check for foot arterial pulsations by a doctor. If the foot remains cold, or pulsations are absent it could mean that blood circulation is reduced.

Diabetes foot care

India is considered the world"s diabetes capital.There is an alarming rise in the number of diabetecs from 19 million in 1995 to 41 million in 2007.The figure is expected to reach 70 million in 2025. Indians tend to be diabetic at a relatively younger age than in the west.Almost 50 percent of diabetics are admitted to hospitals due to infection or gangrene of the feet, a condition commonly referred to as "diabetic foot". Most cases lead to amputation of the affected foot. Diabetic foot is broadly classified into four categories. 1.Patients with normal sensation and normal circulation. 2. Patients with reduced sensation and but normal circulation. 3. Patients with normal sensation but reduced circulation. Patients in the second and fourth categories are at a risk of developing recurrent non healing leg wounds, some face the risk of losing their limbs.


Garlic is not only a splendid ingredient in many recipes ( it is one of my favorite herbs to cook with ), Garlic has beneficial properties that help protect the body by fighting disease and promoting health. Garlic is nature's antibiotic. Garlic helps to fight infections, colds and flu by boosting the immune system. Garlic also has ingredients that fight viruses and kills bacteria. Garlic is great for the heart and can help lower blood pressure. It is used in the treatment of arteriosclerosis, asthma, arthritis, cancer, digestive problems and circulatory issues. Garlic is helpful in all diseases, infections and bacteria. One draw back though. Too much garlic, while not harmful to your body, does get excreted through your pores and oral cavity. This means you can stink. To get all of the health benefits of garlic, cook with it whenever you can and supplement your diet with odorless garlic capsules. The garlic in the capsules is utilized by the body, but no stinking afterwards, jus