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women's health indonesia

 Indonesian women confront several hurdles and acts of discrimination from the workplace to religious leaders preaching morality to street side sexual harassment. Access to primary family health care, however, may be the most challenging problem of all. Like women in other less-developed nations, Indonesian women in rural areas do not have access to modern medications or professional help.

Womens health 

In collaboration with nonprofit groups and other institutions, the Indonesian government has taken the necessary measures to reduce barriers to health care for Indonesian women. Nonetheless, considerable work is taking place to improve access to and the quality of women's health care and remove societal stigmas associated with women's health.

Women in rural Indonesia are frequently misled and have little to no education on their health and hygiene in a culture governed by cultural custom for decades. As a result, many villages prefer to have their pregnancy and deliveries attended by a traditional midwife, who is more akin to a faith healer (dukun) than a qualified health specialist. Despite being based on local customs and traditions,

Maternal health Indonesia

Maternal death remains a problem in Indonesia, with the World Bank reporting a maternal mortality rate of 177 per 100,000 live births in 2017 - one of the worst in Southeast Asia. This high figure is because many traditional birth attendants have a high school diploma and no professional health care training. The Indonesian Ministry of Health has opposed the use of dukuns during birthing. Despite the ministry's efforts, the absence of knowledge about women's health care boils down to one thing: structural poverty.

Rural health Indonesia

The lack of health care access for low-income women and pregnant moms is arguably the most significant obstacle. In Indonesia, women's health care continues to be inadequate. The Indonesian government has sought to address the availability of health care in rural regions, although with limited success.

For example, the Indonesian government established the Bidan di Desa, or Village Midwife, initiative in 1989 to address the country's high newborn death rates. The plan focused on the most distant areas, including the construction of birth facilities and professional midwives in every community to assist local people.

Why one may wonder. According to the World Bank, Indonesian women usually lack the financial resources to obtain the professional health care they require in a nation where more than 25 million people live below the global poverty line.

However, another factor contributing to Indonesian women's high maternal death rate is gender inequality. 

In Indonesia, nongovernmental groups and local communities have promoted gender equality, but achieving parity in women's health care is critical.

Not only will women be healthier and stronger as a result of receiving the proper health care, but it will also have a beneficial impact on the community and country as a whole.

women's health indonesia, family health, health education adalah, unnes journal of public health, pt health today indonesia, men's health indonesia, pt soho global health, soho global health, viva health, health wealth international


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