Regular exercise
Exercise is the basis for good
health, good immune system. It builds stamina and we are ready for the day’s
work. First thing in the morning should be exercise at least five days a week
whether it is walking, jogging or yoga or any type of exercise.
Avoid spicy food
Spicy and fried foods are very
hard to digest. Spicy and deep fried food triggers pain in the stomach lining
which causes stomach pain. So avoid deep dried food.
Avoid coffee
Tea or coffee causes irritation. You may take
milk instead of coffee. Take lassi, yogurt or buttermilk as yogurt has bacteria
lactobacilli, which lubricate the intestines and helps in digestion.
Take small meals
Instead of taking two or three
large big meals take five to six small meals. Taking regular small meals
regulates the blood sugar levels. Large meals are difficult to digest. So
change your diet pattern.
Eat dinner three hours before
going to bed
Dinner should be light and
balanced. Avoid high calorie food for dinner as it is difficult to digest. Have
dinner at least three hours before going to sleep as this will help in smooth