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Eat some fat-burning foods

So you are foodie and whether you're sad, happy or just tensed, you seek comfort in food. Pizzas, burgers, ice creams, cookies and milkshakes have a very soothing effect on your mood. But deep down in your heart, you know that you are going to put on weight by resorting to such sinful edible indulgences but you somehow manage to give a deaf ear to your inner voice. Some weeks and months later, everyone around comments on how much weight you have gained. You feel depressed by this and desperately wish there were foods, whose consumption whose consumption wouldn't add bulge to your body. 

Well there's some good news. There are certain natural foods known for their fat-burning properties, which boost your metabolism and burn some fat in the process too. The logic here is simple, these fat-burning foods require more calories to digest than they contain. These foods also help in detoxifying the body. One thing to be kept in mind is that you shouldn't make these foods your only diet, rather they should be incorporated in your daily diet.

Celery is an excellent source of vitamin C and fibre. It contains negative calories i.e. you burn calories to digest them and this property of celery is very beneficial for those who want to lose weight. 

Making oatmeal a regular part of your diet is beneficial because they are loaded with soluble fibre that results in a slower energy release in the body. Because of this process, the metabolism in the body runs at a steady pace which is perfect for losing fat.

Berries in the form of strawberries, raspberries, blueberries, etc. are a good source of natural dietary fibre that is known to lower down the rate of carbohydrate absorption in the body. They prevent the insulin levels in the body to rise, which are known to cause storage of fat in the body.

Beans contain a lot of fibre that help reduce the absorption of fat in the body. Also, beans contain high amounts of protein that is beneficial in building body muscle. Body muscle cells are known to burn calories at a much higher rate.

Green tea 
Green tea is packed with powerful anti-oxidants and contains a compound epigallocatechin gallate that is known to prevent serious health problems. Green tea fires up the body's metabolism thus, aiding the body to burn more calories.

Grapefruit is one of the best natural foods that helps to kickstart fat loss by increasing the body's metabolism. That's because it contains a good amount of fat-burning enzymes. Also, because it is high in fibre, one feels fuller by eating less.

Almonds, walnuts, hazelnuts, etc. are actually quite healthy as they are packed with vitamins, fibre, protein, minerals and monounsaturated fats that help in controlling blood sugar levels and aiding fat loss. Eat them in moderation. TNN


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