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Showing posts from May, 2011

Foods that make you feel full

More than how much you eat, what you eat determines the satisfaction level of a meal. Nutritionist Sneha Jain lists 10 foods that make you feel full, without making you fat.  Fatty Fish  Fatty fish such as salmon, tuna, mackerel, herring and sardines contain large amounts of omega-3 fatty acids which, besides lowering cholesterol, also hasten the metabolism rate. Omega-3 fatty acids alter the level of leptin — a hormone that directly influences metabolism and determines whether you burn calories or store them as fat. Fish also provides ample protein and the best way to eat it is grilled, with steamed vegetables on the side. Citrus Fruits  Fruits such as grapefruit, lemon, sweet lime, papaya, guava and tomatoes are rich in Vitamin C and fibre. Vitamin C helps the body process fat faster and also stimulates the amino acid known as carnitine — carnitine speeds up the body's fat-burning capacity. Citrus fruits also have high water content and provide around 50 to 75 kcal, le...

Eat some fat-burning foods

So you are foodie and whether you're sad, happy or just tensed, you seek comfort in food. Pizzas, burgers, ice creams, cookies and milkshakes have a very soothing effect on your mood. But deep down in your heart, you know that you are going to put on  weight  by resorting to such sinful edible indulgences but you somehow manage to give a deaf ear to your inner voice. Some weeks and months later, everyone around comments on how much weight you have gained. You feel depressed by this and desperately wish there were foods, whose consumption whose consumption wouldn't add bulge to your body.  Well there's some good news. There are certain natural  foods  known for their fat-burning properties, which boost your metabolism and burn some fat in the process too. The logic here is simple, these fat-burning foods require more calories to digest than they contain. These foods also help in detoxifying the body. One thing to be kept in mind is that you shouldn't make thes...

Dark Pigmentation Around Neck

Dark pigmentation around the neck is known as   Acanthosis nigricans. It  is a skin condition characterized by dark, thick, velvety skin in body folds and creases. Most often, acanthosis nigricans affects your armpits, groin and neck. With acanthosis nigricans, you may naturally be concerned about the appearance of your skin. Some steps may help lighten the affected areas of your skin. There is no specific treatment for acanthosis nigricans , but treating any underlying conditions, such as diabetes and obesity, may cause the changes in your skin to fade. Symptoms Skin changes. Skin changes are the only signs of acanthosis nigricans. You'll notice dark, thick, velvety skin in body folds and creases  usually in your armpits, groin and neck. Sometimes the lips, palms or soles of the feet are affected as well. Slow progression. The skin changes appear slowly, sometimes over months or years. Feasible itching.  The affected areas may itch.

3 Meals a day, a better way to diet

A new U.S. study has revealed that eating three meals  a day is a better strategy to burn some fat rather than grazing on several mini meals.  Researchers from Purdue University in  Indiana revealed that obese men on low-calorie, high-protein diets felt more satisfied and less hungry when they ate three times a day in comparison to six times a day. There is a widespread perception that it's better to eat little meals more often. "These mini-meals everyone is talking about don't seem to be as beneficial as far as appetite control," the  Daily Mail  quoted Heather Leidy, lead researcher, as saying. The researchers randomly assigned 27 overweight men to eat either a high-protein  diet  or a normal-protein diet for 12 weeks.