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Home Remedies for Tired Legs

There are a number of people who experience tiredness  in their legs all throughout the day. The worst is getting up with a pain in the leg and having a feeling that you cannot walk. If you are one of these people who are suffering from tired legs frequently, then here are some quick home remedies that can help you get relief from tired legs.
• Get a bucket of warm water; however make sure that it’s not very hot. Add some salt to it, a tablespoon should be enough, and dip your legs in the water for almost 15-20 minutes. This quick remedy is sure to help you get relief from tired legs.
• Alternately, if you do not have much time to spend dipping your leg, then when you go in for a shower, make sure that you have your soles wet in warm water until the time you are showering. Keep repeating the dipping of your legs in the warm water at frequent intervals. This will leave a tingling sensation on your feet, but would definitely give you a relief.
• If you are experiencing cramps, then one of the best methods is to dig your fingertips deep into the muscle that is cramping  and hold it for 15-20 seconds. You will get immediate relief from the pain. Once you get relief from the cramp, stretch your leg in a way that the muscle is stretched and slowly bend your legs from your knees. Drinking water before doing this particular exercise will help you in getting relief from the pain.
• You can also try this method. Mix a tablespoon of cod-liver oil in a glass of orange juice and have it before you go to bed. You will definitely see a difference in the tiredness that you have been observing in your legs.
• You can also mix honey and lemon juice in a cup of warm water. This rejuvenates and provides you relief from aching and tired legs.
• Include foods that are rich in calcium, fibers, proteins and vitamin E in your diet. These ingredients when eating in proper quantities help you in keeping your legs to get rid of tiredness and pain.
• You can also apply ice packs on your joints. Keep the ice pack wrapped around your knees for at least 10-15 minutes and make sure that your feet are kept at an elevated position.
• When sleeping, keeping a cushion under your feet and keeping them elevated will provide much relief from tiredness and pain in legs.
To get relief from leg tiredness and pain, it is important that you take enough rest, so that your legs get a break. If you wear high heels, then it is advisable that you should avoid wearing them on days when you feel your legs are tired. Also, eating a healthy and balanced meal that provides you with enough calcium and vitamin E can keep the leg tiredness and pain away.


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