If you are planning to follow a regular diet, then concentrate a few dieting tips as advised by the physician that are quite simple and easy to implement.Observe your weight almost for every weekend and see that you do not loose more than 1 or 2 pounds. Remember that you cannot lose your weight within just a fortnight. When you check your weight periodically, you may notice that your weight has remained constant. So, do not become frustrated and observe fast but continue your modest diet as before to reasonably lose weight.Here are a few tips for having a healthy diet1) Lace mustard powder on your bread instead of mayonnaise that contains heavy dose of fat.2) Do not consume fried food frequently, so as an alternative boil, bake or roast it.3) Drink about 6-8 glasses a day so that you flush your unnecessary constituents in the body.4) Limit your alcohol intake as it adds calorie content in your body.5) One of the interesting tips provided is to visit the groceries only after your meals because you will obviously buy in lesser quantities. As your tummy gets filled with the hearty meal, you are not strongly tempted to buy the spicy stuff. Strictly purchase according to the list you have prepared at home.6) Read the carton carefully to know the proportion of each nutrient present in the food. In this way you can avoid buying those foods that contain high quantity fats or carbohydrates and concentrate on buying items with high contents of fibers.Finally it is an important point to note that starvation will never constitute in burning the calories of the body. On the contrary, it slowers the process of metabolism and stores fat. Therefore never skip a meal or observe fasting before visiting a restaurants. If you want to maintain a shape to your body, exercise program is an essential activity. Besides burning the calories from the body, it is necessary to bring your weight under control at all the times.
Dark pigmentation around the neck is known as Acanthosis nigricans. It is a skin condition characterized by dark, thick, velvety skin in body folds and creases. Most often, acanthosis nigricans affects your armpits, groin and neck. With acanthosis nigricans, you may naturally be concerned about the appearance of your skin. Some steps may help lighten the affected areas of your skin. There is no specific treatment for acanthosis nigricans , but treating any underlying conditions, such as diabetes and obesity, may cause the changes in your skin to fade. Symptoms Skin changes. Skin changes are the only signs of acanthosis nigricans. You'll notice dark, thick, velvety skin in body folds and creases usually in your armpits, groin and neck. Sometimes the lips, palms or soles of the feet are affected as well. Slow progression. The skin changes appear slowly, sometimes over months or years. Feasible itching. The affected areas may itch.