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Home Remedies for Alcoholism


Alcoholism is a condition in which a person has irresistible urge to consume alcohol. When a person consumes more alcohol than his body limits is often termed as alcohol abuse. This behavior soon takes a shape of a painful disease that kills both his physical as well as the mental health. If he continues drinking for long, he will not be able to resist alcohol and will become totally addicted to it. This situation is called as alcoholism. Both alcohol abuse and alcoholism are social vices and should be eliminated only by exercising control and being determined.

Causes of Alcoholism

Following are the major alcoholism causes:

- Due to loss in business
- Sudden demise of dear one
- Emotional reasons like heart break or unhappy relations
- Fashion or to maintain society status
- Diseases like depression, schizophrenia or genetic disorder.

Symptoms of Alcoholism

Following are the major alcoholism symptoms:

- Red eyes, unkempt hair, mouth reeking of alcohol and unsteady gait
- In the hour of their urge to drink, if alcohol is not available, they may become very cantankerous
- Weak digestive and respiratory system
- Poor functioning of nerves and pancreas
- Fast heartbeat, rough voice and swelling on face
- Increased tendency of vomiting and might complains about chest pain, inflammation, headache, stomachache, body pain

Do's and Don't for Alcoholism

- Patient suffering from alcoholism should take proper rest
- He should not take any type of stress and keep himself busy in simple but constructive work
- It is advisable for the patient to live only on fruit juice. This may continue for 10-12 days, later his diet should be rich in whole grains, cereals, green vegetables, fruits. All this will lower his carving for alcohol
- Avoid heavy fatty and oily foods
- The patient should get support and love from his family members and friends to give up alcoholism
- Try to replace your alcohols with drinks containing less alcohol like wine and cocktails. Eventually even these can be stopped.

Home Remedies for Alcoholism

- Drink juice of a lemon or orange. They are very useful in alcoholism remedy
- Eating an apple or banana also helps to flush out the toxins from the body which collect due to alcoholism
- When the person feels the urge to consume alcohol, having a glass of carrot juice will also help him to reduce the temptation
- Both grapes and dates are very useful in reducing the urge to consume alcohol
- Soak 5-6 dates in a 1/2 glass water and keep it aside for 2-3 hours. Drink this mixture at least 2-3 times a day for natural remedy of alcoholism
- Add 1/2 glass of celery juice to a glass of water. Patient can take this drink 1-2 times a day. It helps in cleaning off the toxic materials within the stomach, and lowers the carving for alcohol
- Patient should eat 2-3 apples every day. It is an effective home remedy for alcoholism. It will help to minimize the carve for alcohol and clears all the toxic materials stored within the body due to alcohol, purifies blood, make heart and lung strong
- Add 2-3 tablespoons of the extract juice from bitter gourd leaves to a glass of butter milk and give this drink to the patient continuously at least for 25-30 days. This drink will clear the toxic materials stored in the stomach, makes the liver and lungs strong and helps in purifying blood.


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