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Dangers of diet pills

Diet pills have a great potential to help you lose weight and this can be very appealing, especially if you are someone who has struggled to lose weight in the past and who is obese, with a BMI of over 27.

But these advantages should be weighed against the possible dangers of diet pills including some dangerous side effects.
Before take any diet pill, you should understand what some of the dangers of diet pills can be.

What are some of the dangers of diet pills?
rescription diet pills are very strong drugs, and each has the potential for dangerous side effects. Some of the side effects from taking prescription diet pills can be dangerous.
Each diet pill has its own set of potential side effects, so instead of listing every possible side effect here, please visit the pages on this site that correspond to the diet pill you are interested in.

Harmful effects of diet pills

Potential for dependence
Some diet pills, especially the stimulant-based diet pills, are habit-forming and as such can be abused. Abuse of these drugs may lead to dependence. Check with your doctor before taking any prescription diet pill to find out if they are habit-forming and what signs you should look out for to alert you to this problem.

Metabolism disruption
Most prescription diet pills suppress the appetite, which causes you to consume fewer calories. On the surface, this seems like the ultimate solution for losing weight. However, as you reduce your caloric intake, your metabolism also slows down. As your metabolism slows, the amount of weight you lose also slows down. This is why it is common for people to lose only a certain amount of weight while taking diet pills alone. The solution, of course, is to combine lifestyle changes to your diet regimen. Lifestyle changes such as regular exercise, dietary changes, and regular health checkups can greatly increase your weight loss success.
The dangers of diet pills should always be considered before you decide to take them.


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