Performing breast self examination (BSE) on a monthly basis gives you the opportunity to detect breast cancer. A woman who regularly perform BSE can detect breast cancer at its earlier stage. It is best carried out once a month before the menstrual period. BSE is recommended for ever women from age 20. Self examination is done in two ways: inspection and feeling the breasts
Method of breast examination
Look into a mirror, undresses to the waist. Study the breasts and become familiar with their normal appearance. Look at the skin texture, height and appearance of the nipples etc. Check for any unusual difference.
Look at each breast for any unusual irregularity in shape, drawing in or retraction of the nipple, dimpling of the skin, changes in skin colour or texture, or veins more prominent than normal. This should be done with the arms in different position:
By the side hand on the waist arms raised above the head
Hands clasped around the head
Squeeze each nipple gently to check for any bleeding or unusual discharge
Checking the breasts by touch is carried out while standing up and /or lying down. It may be done in bath or shower when the skin is wet. Raise the right arm and use the left hand to explore the right breast in a clockwise motion. With the fingers flat, feel the breast for any unusual lump, knot, mass, thickening, tenderness or other change. Repeat for other breast. Examine the nipple in similar manner.
Feel in each armpit for any enlarged Lymph nodes. Hold the left arm by the side and slide the right hand into the armpit and on down the ribs. Repeat on the other side using the left hand with the right arm by the side
Method of breast examination
Look into a mirror, undresses to the waist. Study the breasts and become familiar with their normal appearance. Look at the skin texture, height and appearance of the nipples etc. Check for any unusual difference.
Look at each breast for any unusual irregularity in shape, drawing in or retraction of the nipple, dimpling of the skin, changes in skin colour or texture, or veins more prominent than normal. This should be done with the arms in different position:
By the side hand on the waist arms raised above the head
Hands clasped around the head
Squeeze each nipple gently to check for any bleeding or unusual discharge
Checking the breasts by touch is carried out while standing up and /or lying down. It may be done in bath or shower when the skin is wet. Raise the right arm and use the left hand to explore the right breast in a clockwise motion. With the fingers flat, feel the breast for any unusual lump, knot, mass, thickening, tenderness or other change. Repeat for other breast. Examine the nipple in similar manner.
Feel in each armpit for any enlarged Lymph nodes. Hold the left arm by the side and slide the right hand into the armpit and on down the ribs. Repeat on the other side using the left hand with the right arm by the side