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Low-calorie diet cures diabetes in 8 weeks

A successful trial has led scientists to believe that a 2-month low-calorie diet could free nearly 2.5 million Britons of the 'type two' diabetes.  The diabetics, by consuming just 600 calories a day for eight-weeks, (the same amount many people would eat at lunch alone), were able to throw away their tablets. Even after 18 months, some of them are still free of the disease, which is linked to obesity and usually attacks in middle age, reports the  Daily Mail  . Researchers from the Newcastle University have described the results as remarkable, proving that the condition need not be a life sentence. 

Your bodies resist weight loss efforts

If you've been  trying  to  lose  weight  and suspect your body is working against you, you may indeed be right.   "When obese people reduce their food intake too drastically, their bodies appear to resist their  weight  loss efforts ," said Gregory G. Freund, professor at the University of Illinois College of Medicine.  "They may have to work harder and go slower in order to outsmart their brain chemistry," added Freund, who led the study.  He particularly cautioned against beginning a diet with a fast or cleansing day, which appears to trigger significant alterations in the immune system that work against weight loss.  "Take smaller steps to start your weight loss and keep it going," he said, the journal Obesity reports. In the study, the scientist compared the effects of a short-term fast on two groups of mice. For 12 weeks, one group consumed a low-fat diet (10 percent fat); the other group was fed a high-fat diet (60 percent fat) and had become

Tips for better sleep

Hectic schedules, stress and excess workload have made sound sleep a luxury for many. But a few lifestyle changes can make for a restful night, say experts. Helpful wind-down routines include a bath, a hot milky drink, switching off the television and computer, getting clothes ready for the morning, listening to soothing music and planning the next day's schedule, help in relaxing minds which leads to sound sleep, reports Experts say the surroundings could be rearranged to create an atmosphere more suited to sleep. Sleeping with the television on should be avoided as the waves disrupt sleep patterns. To sleep well, there needs to be a fractional temperature difference between our body and our brain, a warm body and a cool head. If a person prepares for sleep well before midnight (between 10 p.m. and 11 p.m.), he stands a much better chance of getting a good sleep.

Prevent Swimmer's Ear

Swimmer's ear occurs when water builds up in the ear, causing an infection of the outer ear canal. Symptoms may include pain, swelling, redness and draining pus. The U.S. Centers for Disease Control and Prevention suggests how to help prevent swimmer's ear: Keep water out of your ears while swimming by using ear plugs or a bathing cap. Thoroughly dry your ears when you're finished swimming. Tilt your head in each direction, pull gently on your earlobe and pat dry with a towel. Never insert anything (such as a finger or cotton swab) into the ear. Use a blow-dryer on its lowest setting to completely dry your ears. Don't try to remove any ear wax yourself. Seek the help of a physician.

Prevent Heat-Related Illness

As the weather heats up, illnesses ranging from heat exhaustion to heatstroke become more common. The U.S. National Library of Medicine suggests how to help prevent heat-related medical emergencies: Wear lightweight, loose-fitting clothing. If working outdoors, take frequent breaks in the shade or indoors. When weather is particularly hot or humid, avoid heavy exercise or physical activity. Increase your fluid intake. Avoid becoming overheated, especially if you're elderly, overweight or taking a medication that affects your body's heat regulation. Let your car cool down before you get inside.

Energy Drink-Vodka Combo Nearly Kills Teen

The near death of a German teenager who consumed huge amounts of energy drinks mixed with vodka highlights the largely unrecognized danger of such beverage combinations, researchers report. The 17-year-old boy suffered acute kidney failure and was hospitalized for 10 days following the incident, when he drank one liter of vodka combined with three liters of energy drinks. He told authorities he was trying to improve the outcome of two 100-meter races he ran at school, after which he experienced vomiting and dizziness and was rushed by ambulance to the hospital. The case study is published in the July print issue of  Pediatrics . "This is another classic case of teenage binge drinking and another warning for parents that . . . it can go to extremes and be fatal or near-fatal," said Cecile Marczinski, whose similar research on alcohol's interaction with energy drinks is published online and in the July 2011 print issue of  Alcoholism: Clinical & Experimental Re

Home Remedies of Apple Cider Vinegar

Natural healing Apple cider vinegar  kills germs  and  nourishes the body  at the same time, so have a look at some of the many different ways people have been benefiting from the external and internal application of this  folk medicine. Note:  If you take ACV between meals or before going to bed, always rinse your mouth to avoid any prolonged vinegar contact with the enamel on your teeth. Any acid food or drink however, such as citrus fruit, soda pop, and apple cider vinegar can erode tooth enamel if it is allowed to stay in contact with the teeth for long periods of time. ACNE BLEMISHES Apply a solution of apple cider vinegar and water (three tablespoons to one four ounce glass of water) with a cotton ball several times a day. This will help reduce infection and dry out inflammation. Another natural healing home cure calls for the every day application of apple cider vinegar which has been infused with horseradish. Prepare the solution by adding cups of ACV to pound of grated h