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Stomach ulcer

Stomach ulcer A stomach or gastric ulcer is a break in the tissue lining the stomach. The term 'peptic ulcer' refers to those that occur in either the stomach or the first part of the small intestine that leads out of the stomach, called the duodenum. It was once commonly thought that stress, smoking and diet were the principal causes of stomach ulcers. However, the Helicobacter pylori (H. pylori) bacterium is now known to be responsible for most duodenal ulcers and 60 per cent of stomach ulcers. The H. pylori bacterium also prompts many symptoms of dyspepsia, or indigestion. Treatment for stomach ulcers includes the use of antibiotics to kill the infection, and acid-suppressing drugs. Symptoms Some stomach ulcers are asymptomatic. The symptoms of a stomach ulcer can include: Abdominal pain just below the ribcage Indigestion Nausea Loss of appetite Vomiting Weight loss Altered blood present in the vomit or in the bowel motions (occasionally) Symptoms of anaemia, su

Head ache

What is a headache? Headache is defined as pain in the head or upper neck. It is one of the most common locations of pain in the body and has many causes. What causes tension headaches? While tension headaches are the most frequently occurring type of headache, their cause is not known. The most likely cause is contraction of the muscles that cover the skull. When the muscles covering the skull are stressed, they may spasm and cause pain. Common sites include the base of the skull where the trapezius muscles of the neck inserts, the temple where muscles that assist the jaw to move are located, and the forehead. There is little research to confirm the exact cause of tension headaches. Tension headaches occur because of physical or emotional stress placed on the body. Physical stress that may cause tension headaches include difficult and prolonged manual labor, or sitting at a desk or computer for long periods of time Emotional stress may also cause tension headaches by causin


Uterine fibroids are benign (not cancer) growths in the uterus. They are the most common type of growth found in a woman’s pelvis. In some women, fibroids remain small and do not cause symptoms or problems. However, in some women, fibroids can cause problems because of their size, number, and location. Types of Fibroids Uterine fibroids are growths that develop from the muscle tissue of the uterus. They also are called leiomyomas or myomas. The size, shape, and location of fibroids can vary greatly. They may be present inside the uterus, on its outer surface or within its wall, or attached to it by a stem-like structure. Fibroids can range in size from small, pea-sized growths to large, round ones that may be more than 5–6 inches wide. As they grow, they can distort the inside as well as the outside of the uterus. Sometimes fibroids grow large enough to completely fill the pelvis or abdomen. A woman may have only one fibroid or many of varying sizes. Whether fibroids will oc

Bipolar disorder

What is bipolar disorder? Bipolar disorder is an illness that causes extreme mood changes from manic episodes of very high energy to the extreme lows of depression. It is also called manic-depressive disorder. This illness can cause behavior so extreme that you cannot function at work, in family or social situations, or in relationships with others. Some people with bipolar disorder become suicidal. Having this disorder can make you feel helpless and hopeless. But you are not alone. Talking with others who suffer from it may help you learn that there is hope for a better life. And treatment can help you get back in control. Family members often feel helpless when a loved one is depressed or manic. If your loved one has bipolar disorder, you may want to get counseling for yourself. Therapy can also help a child who has a bipolar parent. What causes bipolar disorder? The cause of bipolar disorder is not completely understood. We know that it runs in families. It may also be a

Nasal polyps

What are nasal polyps? Nasal polyps are soft, non-cancerous growths that develop in the lining of the nose or sinuses. They result from chronic inflammation in the lining. What triggers the inflammation is not always clear. Nasal polyps can affect anyone, they are more common in adults older than 40 and in adults and children with conditions such as asthma, chronic sinus infections (chronic sinusitis), hay fever (chronic rhinitis) and cystic fibrosis — a serious, inherited disorder that causes respiratory, digestive and reproductive problems. What are the causes? Nasal polyps are not a disease. They are the end product of the ongoing inflammation that may result from viral or bacterial infections, from allergies or from an immune system response to fungus. Chronic inflammation causes the blood vessels in the lining of the nose and sinuses to become more permeable, allowing water to accumulate in the cells. Over time, as gravity pulls on these waterlogged tissues, they may deve


Asthma Asthma is a disease of the airways of the lungs which is characterized by increased sensitivity of the airways to a variety of triggers. It is generally an episodic disease, i.e., acute attacks followed by symptom free periods. Though most attacks are generally short lived, sometimes serious conditions occur in which severe Asthma is unrelieved for many hours or even days, like in status asthmaticus. Who is affected? It occurs in all age groups, but is found to be more common in children. It tends to affect both sexes equally. Types of Asthma: There are two types of Asthma--- Allergic and Idiosyncratic. Allergic Asthma: This type is often associated with personal or family history of other types of allergic diseases like hay fever, rhinitis, eczema etc. The offending agents causing Asthma: Environment and air pollution. Certain drugs like Aspirin. Occupational factors like working with animal skins, chemicals, stone dust etc. Infections of the chest or Upper res

Back pain

Following any period of prolonged inactivity, begin a program of regular low-impact exercises. Speed walking, swimming, or stationary bike riding 30 minutes a day can increase muscle strength and flexibility. Yoga can also help stretch and strengthen muscles and improve posture. Ask your physician or orthopedist for a list of low‑impact exercises appropriate for your age and designed to strengthen the lower back and abdominal muscles. l Always stretch before exercise or other strenuous physical activity. l Don’t slouch when standing or sitting. When standing, keep your weight balanced on your feet. Your back supports weight most easily when curvature is reduced. l At home or work, make sure your work surface is at a comfortable height for you.